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Annual Lectures

World-class speakers

The Helen and Sam Steinberg Lecture

This hugely popular and deeply inspirational annual lecture features world-renowned guests. Leaders and forward-thinkers who have left their marks in their respective fields are invited to address the Shaar and the larger Jewish community.

The inaugural lecture in 1982 was delivered by William Rees-Mogg, and has showcased many celebrated and influential names, including Allan Bloom, Mordechai Richler, Yossi Klein Halevi, David Remnick, Adam Gopnik, David Hartman, Ephraim Halevy, Erica Brown, Robert Kaplan, Moshe Halbertal, Elie Wiesel, Martin Gilbert, Norman Mailer, Lord Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, Alan Dershowitz, Adin Steinsaltz, Arthur Schlesinger Jr., William Styron, Dr. Cornel West, Chaim Potok, Daniel Libeskind, Yitz Greenberg, Leon Uris, Amos Oz, Ron Chernow, James Carroll, Michael Oren, Simon Sebag Montefiore, Dennis Ross, and Bernard-Henri Levy.

The Sam Steinberg Lecture was established by Mrs. Helen Steinberg in memory of her late husband and later renamed in honour of Helen and Sam Steinberg.

The Elizabeth Shuchat Schwartz Memorial Lecture


The Elizabeth Shuchat Schwartz Memorial Lecture was established after the untimely death of Elizabeth Shuchat Schwartz to commemorate Elizabeth and the qualities and values that gave content and purpose to her life. Invitations to speak are extended to outstanding women who have excelled in Torah learning or religious leadership and who are role models of Jewish living.
The first guest lecturer was Esther Jungreis who was a mentor of Elizabeth. Subsequent lectures have been given by Dr. Avivah Zornberg, Dr. Ruth Wisse, Tamar Ross, Blu Greenberg, Avital Sharansky, Saranne Rothberg, and Arna Poupko Fisher.
Rabbi’s Office Tel. 514-937-9474 ext. 143
Sunday, October 27, 2024 25 Tishrei 5785