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The Hazzan Nathan Mendelson Music Foundation

The Hazzan Nathan Mendelson Music Foundation was established in 1982 to honour the life and keep alive the memory and influence of Nathan Mendelson, z”l, who served as Hazzan of Congregation Shaar Hashomayim for 35 years, from 1938 to 1973. Lawyer, ordained Rabbi, Talmudic scholar, musician, and Mohel, Hazzan Mendelson had a profound impact on all members of the Congregation, and the Montreal Jewish community at large, whose lives he touched.
The Foundation’s objectives center on performance and creativity. Since its creation, the Foundation has presented over twenty concerts and related Jewish musical events featuring choral, cantorial, operatic, and instrumental genres. They have highlighted Canadian composers, music of the Holocaust, and music of prayer in addition to classical and modern repertoires. The Foundation has also organized lectures and Shabbaton weekends performed by a diversity of local, Canadian, and international artists. In 1992, the Foundation sponsored the International Jewish Song Competition which culminated in the “Concert For Peace”, an event that featured 17 original compositions from all over the world, many of which were performed by the composers themselves.
In October 2007, the Foundation held a Gala concert to mark its 25th anniversary, the centenary of the birth of Hazzan Mendelson, and the year in which his 30th yahrzeit was observed.
Sunday, October 27, 2024 25 Tishrei 5785