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Thank you for your interest in the Day of Learning. 

Please note that online registration is now closed. If you would like to attend, please register in-person on Sunday beginning at 1:00 pm at 425 Metcalfe Avenue.



What is the Day of Learning?

On May 7, Congregation Shaar Hashomayim will be hosting a full-day conference from 1:00 - 9:00 PM. Speakers will be coming from around the globe focusing on different aspects concerning the future of Judaism.


What will the day look like?

Upon check-in, there will be throughout-the-day sessions where people can choose who they wish to learn with. Breaks are offered between sessions for refreshments. Rooms will be set up for those who wish to socialize. Scroll down to see the schedule, speakers, and topics.


Will food be served?

Throughout the day a snack bar will be open. Those who wish to stay,  we will be serving dinner from 6:00 - 7:00 PM with a special musical presentation by Cantor Gideon Zelermyer and the Shaar Hashomayim Synagogue Choir. Pricing details in the registration form below


Will the teaching be interactive?

Yes. While some presentations will be frontal, most of the learning will be interactive. There will be engaging learning experiences. In some sessions, handouts and source sheets will be used. Some presenters will offer introductory comments, followed by ‘havruta’ style learning, then followed by a group Q & A, and the presenter’s conclusion.


What is the cost?

The fee will be $36 for the entire day. $54 for those who wish to stay for dinner.


Do I have to stay for the whole day?

You may if you wish,  but you are also free to dip in and out of sessions as you choose.  Alternatively, you may come for dinner and the final keynote.




Speakers and Topics


Rabba Yaffa Epstein

The Future of The Jewish Community - How To Ensure We Can Still Speak With One Another?

The world is more polarized than ever. Indeed, each day seems to bring new tidings of division among the Jewish community along political, social, racial, geographic, denominational, and identity lines. Yet, students of Jewish history know that polarization is nothing new, and has always been an inherent danger of community building. The Torah has much to teach us about how to understand and allow for our differences, while still building unified and thriving Jewish communities. Join us as we explore some of the most fascinating and challenging Jewish texts, and modern Jewish thinkers on this critically important topic, and as we attempt to build a strategy for moving forward together - as one nation, with many streams.

Panel Discussion: Rabbi Lila Kagedan, Rabba Yaffa Epstein, Rabba Rachel Kohl Finegold, and Rabba Abby Scheier (moderator)

The Future of Jewish Rabbinic Leadership

A panel discussion with four of the world’s leading female Jewish teachers, scholars and pioneers.

Rabbi Kenny Brander

Redeeming the Soul of the State of Israel

There modern State of Israel had a religious and even messianic aspect among its founder’s aspirations. Yet the creation of the State was and continues to be a largely secular endeavour. Can there be a bridge between working towards a redeemed future and yet have this process be brought about through a secular process?

Shaul Judelman and Noor A’wad


West Bank Settlers and Palestinian Neighbours - Together

A new era is upon us and it is led by local Palestinians and Israelis seeking to create a culture of nonviolence, understanding and transformation. Introducing a grassroots organisation that is strategically located in the Gush Etzion-Hebron area of the West Bank, a region that frequently experiences the pain of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. By working with people on both sides of the divide, these leaders aim to create a new discourse from within these neighboring communities. They envision the creation of a political and social climate that honors the rights and connection of both peoples to the land, and provides freedom, dignity and civil rights for all its inhabitants. Come and hear their story.

Rabbi Yonaton Neril

The Climate Crisis: How can Jewish Tradition Help Us Navigate It?

What does it mean to bring religion to bear in addressing the ecological crisis? Faith traditions and institutions can help cultivate humility, conscious relationships, long-term thinking, and moderated consumption. A sustainable, thriving, and spiritually aware society can realize the prophetic vision of a new earth. Judaism has much to offer on these topics. By focussing on our tradition and the Torah’s perspective on such pressing matters, we can create a road map to environmental sustainability.


Saturday, July 27, 2024 21 Tammuz 5784