A Model Seder from 1950
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We recently found a wonderful photograph taken of a class seder at the Shaar’s Religious School in the spring of 1950 which has us reminiscing of model seders and Passovers past at the Shaar.
Here are some wonderful memories some of you have shared already:
“How I remember those years—[I] just loved the model Seders and practicing for them! We all knew the Seders by heart by the time they came around.” - Beverley Levitt Hamburg
“Each year as we choose our haggadot, we invariably come across the older copies with our model Seder “parts” complete with classmates’ names penciled in the margin and read with great confidence the role assigned to us all those years ago at the Shaar Afternoon school” - Anonymous
Thus far, we have identified the following people in the picture: Beverley Levitt Hamburg, Michael Cape (seated, wearing glasses), David Shapiro (the young man who is making kiddush), and Mr. Leibowitz (standing at the back).
Now, we want your help with identifying the rest! If you know anyone in the picture, or want to share your Shaar model seder and pesach memories, follow the form below:
Monday, September 16, 2024
13 Elul 5784